
$ 5.000

Weight= 100 grams

الوزن= 100 غرام


*Significantly stops the absorption of humidity and
ensures a longer preservation of nougatines, nougats,
pralines, ice cream cones, crêpe dentelle, éventail
* Prevents cooked sugars from absorbing humidity and
from sticking
* Cooked sugars and nougatines in particular, as well
as some nougat types are very hygroscopic and their
preservation have always been a problem : with
“Nougasec” they are no longer an issue

Weight 75 kg
• Beirut: 40,000 LL
• Baabda: 50,000 LL
• Lower Maten (Zalka, Antelias…): 50,000 LL
• Higher Maten (Bikfaya, Baabdat…): 75,000 LL
• Lower Keserwan (Jounieh, Adma…): 60,000 LL
• Higher Keserwan (Harissa, Ghosta…): 75,000 LL
• North & Jbeil: 75,000 LL
• South: 75,000 LL
• Bekaa: 75,000 LL
Aley: 60,000 LL
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